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DevOps vs. MLOps

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 As software development continues to evolve, so do the roles and teams involved in it. One significant development in recent years is the rise of MLOps, which combines machine learning with DevOps strategies. While DevOps has been the key role that links software developers and IT operations staff, MLOps is focused on machine learning, creating a new wave of roles and teams. In this article, we will discuss the key differences between DevOps and MLOps, their benefits and challenges, and best practices for integrating them.

DevOps vs. MLOps - Key Differences

At first glance, DevOps and MLOps seem similar, both focus on collaboration between developers, operations, and data science. However, the differences between the two are significant. DevOps is focused on application development, while MLOps is focused on machine learning.

DevOps teams work to streamline the development process, automate testing and deployment, and reduce the time it takes to get features to production. They prioritize collaboration between developers and operations staff to ensure that the software runs smoothly in production. On the other hand, MLOps teams focus on creating machine learning models that can be deployed in production with minimal overhead. They prioritize collaboration between data scientists and operations staff to ensure that the models are accurate, reliable, and scalable.

Another key difference between DevOps and MLOps is the level of automation involved. DevOps teams typically use continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment process. MLOps teams take this a step further by automating the entire machine learning pipeline, from data ingestion to model training to deployment.

DevOps Benefits and Challenges

  • DevOps has been around for over a decade and has proven to be a valuable strategy for software development. The benefits of DevOps include: 

  • Faster time to market: By automating the build, test, and deployment process, DevOps teams can get features to production faster.

  • Improved collaboration: DevOps teams prioritise collaboration between developers and operations staff, leading to better communication and fewer errors.

  • Greater efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks, DevOps teams can focus on higher-level tasks, such as improving the software architecture.

However, DevOps also has its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the cultural shift required to implement it successfully. DevOps requires a shift in mindset from individual work to collaborative work, which can be difficult for some teams to adopt. Additionally, DevOps requires significant investment in tools and infrastructure, which can be a barrier for small teams or start-ups. 

MLOps Benefits and Challenges

MLOps is a newer strategy, but it has already shown significant benefits for machine learning development. The benefits of MLOps include:

  • Improved model accuracy: By automating the machine learning pipeline, MLOps teams can reduce the risk of errors and improve model accuracy.

  • Faster model deployment: MLOps teams can deploy models to production faster, allowing businesses to take advantage of machine learning more quickly.

  • Better collaboration: MLOps teams prioritize collaboration between data scientists and operations staff, leading to better communication and fewer errors.

However, MLOps also has its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the complexity of the machine learning pipeline. Unlike traditional software development, machine learning involves a lot of experimentation and iteration, which can be difficult to automate. Additionally, MLOps requires a significant investment in infrastructure and tools, which can be a barrier for small teams or start-ups. 

Hiring DevOps and MLOps Professionals

When Looking for great DevOps and MLOps talent, businesses typically look for candidates with computer science degrees who have experience and understanding of agile processes and key communication skills:

DevOps: Experience with Linux-based infrastructure, understanding Ruby, Python, Perl and Java, as well as MySQL and/or Mongo with excellent troubleshooting skills.

MLOps: Experience with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch, as well as experience with data engineering and model deployment. As well as statistical modelling, python programming & Linux/Unix shell scripting.

DevOps and MLOps are two strategies that are changing the future of software development. While they have their differences, they are not mutually exclusive, and integrating the two can lead to even greater benefits. By prioritising collaboration, investing in tools and infrastructure, and creating a culture of experimentation and iteration, businesses can take advantage of both strategies to create more efficient, accurate, and scalable software.

 If you are looking for great DevOps or MLOps talent, or, you are looking for your next step in software development, get in touch.

